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In 2023, we distributed date-finders to several of you during various events, including AGMs of provincial egg boards members of PGC. Unfortunately, it was brought to our attention that some of them had errors.

After checking with our suppliers, we discovered a major printing problem that caused the wheels to be shifted and date errors are possible.

The board of directors has decided to replace the defective date-finders. To ensure that yours is functional, you must put the arrow on January 11 and check that the line corresponding to 19 weeks is located on May 24, as in the image below.

If this is not the case, you can send us your contact information at the following email address, and we will be happy to replace it. It is important to know that these date finder do not take leap years into account. Please note that we will have some fixed date finders at our Annual General Meeting.

Finally, the administrators join me to apologize for this inconvenience.

Marie-Josée Forest


April 2024 newsletter
1. Message from the Chair
2. Date-Finder Follow-Up
3. Upcoming Events and Activities
4. PGC Welcomes a New General Manager
5. What’s New at PGC
6. Annual General Meeting | April 2024
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