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Our industry is evolving fast. As an example, many pullet growers are currently investing in their facilities or even building new barns to meet the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pullets and Laying Hens. For this reason, one of the immediate priorities of Pullet Growers of Canada (PGC) is to become an effective and reliable channel for growers and stakeholders to transfer the latest information regarding all aspects of pullet rearing.

For effective communication with the growers and stakeholders, PGC operates under a bilingual policy which ensures all information is provided in both official languages.

PGC generally holds its Annual General Meeting in March and seize this opportunity to inform its members and guests on important matters related to the industry. More details regarding the next Annual General Meeting and minutes of past meetings can be found here.

The Board’s directors also act as communication channels by reporting PGC’s activities to their provincial egg board and spreading the news related to pullets.

On a quarterly basis, PGC publishes a newsletter to inform growers and stakeholders about its activities and any other relevant information regarding pullet rearing. If you are interested in receiving our newsletter, please subscribe here.

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