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Since pullet growers are facing numerous challenges to obtain a fair price for the pullets they raise, one of Pullet Growers of Canada’s (PGC) immediate priorities is to ensure that pullet growers receive an adequate return in a consistent way across Canada.

To achieve this goal, PGC gave three mandates over the years to Meyers Norris Penny (MNP) to conduct pullet growing fee surveys with the collaboration of pullet growers. Other surveys will necessarily have to be conducted in the coming years to update the cost of growing for each type of operating system.

One of the PGC directors is a member of Egg Farmers of Canada’s (EFC) Production Management Committee. We believe that getting involved in this committee will ensure that fair pricing is set for pullets in a consistent way across Canada and that growers’ production concerns are addressed. This representation will allow us to get involved in the development of the questions used in the next Cost of Production (COP) survey to be conducted by EFC in the spring of 2021. We strongly believe that the results of this survey must reflect the actual cost of growing a pullet.

PGC is currently working on the development of legal contract templates to facilitate business between pullet growers and egg farmers e.g. in the event of insurance claims.

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