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The Pullet Growers of Canada (PGC) strives to solidify its reputation and enhance its recognition as the source of support and expertise for all problems and processes related to pullet production. This includes but is not limited to the Animal Care Policy for Pullets and the national Code of Practice, as well as ensuring the financial stability and viability of the industry by helping achieve a fair price to the grower.



We defend the interests of Canadian pullet growers, working to ensure their success as critical partners in the Canadian egg industry.


We the Directors of PGC believe in the following values:

1. Inclusiveness
We believe that pullet growers are an essential part of the Canadian table egg supply chain and PGC believes in fair, respectful and reciprocal relationships with all members of the value chain when decisions are made that affect their business.

2. A Structured Market Place
We believe in working with national and provincial entities to protect and enhance a structured market place for egg and pullet production in Canada.

3. Viability
We believe in the viability of Canadian pullet growers based on pullet growers achieving a fair farm price and being involved in all decisions that affect their operations.

4. Representation
We believe that all pullet growers should have equal representation at the national level even if their respective provincial egg boards are not members of PGC at this point.

5. Social Responsibility
We believe in participating in the on-farm food safety chain and in animal care standards for Canada.

6. Communications & Collaboration
We believe in communicating effectively with all our growers and stakeholders and working on issues related to pullet production together with our growers and stakeholders.

7. Quality
We believe in providing a pullet of the highest quality to Canadian egg farmers.

Our Story

Pullet Growers of Canada (PGC) is a non-profit organization that was originally founded in 2006 by three provinces (Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia) to form a national grower association to represent the common interests of Canadian pullet growers towards government officials and Egg Farmers of Canada.

For the past 14 years, PGC has served as the official national voice of all the Canadian pullet growers and provides a body to address their needs and issues.

PGC is the only national organization that recognizes pullets from one day to 19 weeks of age. The Canadian Hatching Egg Producers recognizes day-old chicks. Egg Farmers of Canada recognizes layers aged 19 weeks and more and has no authority over pullets.

During the years 2010 and 2011, the Farm Products Council of Canada supported the national association to change its name to Pullet Growers of Canada and apply for National Agency status. Unfortunately, this status has not been achieved, but national representation is still being developed.

Collaborations with different national organizations such as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, e.g. Salmonella compensation, have ensured that pullet grower concerns were always brought to the table in an informed way.

As a matter of fact, PGC has been instrumental in increasing returns to pullet growers (growing fees) over time.

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