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PGC is very concerned about Avian Influenza (AI) cases detected in wild birds and on a growing number of poultry and egg farms in certain parts of Canada and the United States. At the time of writing, AI has been detected in commercial and/or backyard flocks in almost every Canadian province.

So far, detection and containment procedures implemented by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and industry stakeholders have kept the spread under control, but constant vigilance is paramount. PGC adds its voice to others and calls on pullet growers, egg farmers and anyone involved in the egg or poultry industries to reinforce biosecurity procedures at their facilities and throughout their activities. CFIA provides resources to growers and producers, such as the National Avian On-Farm Biosecurity Standard and the Producer Guide, which support the development of farm-specific biosecurity protocols. Pullet growers looking for assistance regarding biosecurity are also invited to contact their provincial associations.

While we hope that the Spring migration will end before the disease spreads to more regions, we must remind ourselves that this threat may be here to stay, with future upsurges in infections being a possibility. PGC will follow the situation closely over the coming months and years.

May 2022 posts
1. Actions on costs and revenues
2. Concern about Avian Influenza in poultry and egg farms
3. Energy efficiency in pullet barns
4. 16th Annual General Meeting Summary
5. Tribute to Mr. Andrew Deweerd
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