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Dear pullet growers, egg producers and industrial partners,

Now that the holidays are over and our batteries are (hopefully) charged, it’s time to get back in the saddle and look ahead to 2023. For PGC, the coming year will be an important one, with many projects in the pipeline, including a new Cost of Growing (COG) study, the preparation of a new business plan, and a renewed communication plan to be implemented. Without a doubt, our team will be very busy.

And this will start right off the batt, with the new COG study being launched this month, and the data collection phase starting in a few weeks. PGC is aware that participating in a COG study is time-consuming. But once completed, growers from PGC’s member provinces will have access to updated information that is essential to receiving an income that covers the cost of growing pullets, as well as a fair rate of return for both their equity and management. I take this opportunity to thank in advance the growers that will accept to provide the time and effort required.

Later this year, PGC will initiate the process to revamp its business plan, the current plan covering until the end of 2023. This is a particularly important time, as this process will set our team’s course of actions for the next five years. Stay tuned: this process will include consultations with our partners, to ensure that PGC is in tune with our industry’s priorities and main challenges, and that we identify the best possible options to promote the interests of Canadian pullet growers, as per our mission.

Finally, our team developed a new communication strategy that will be implemented in 2023. This includes building more visibility for PGC, working so that our organization remains a reference for anything that relates to pullet growing in Canada. Expect to see and hear more of us in the coming months.

The year 2022 was challenging in many ways, with avian influenza spreading to more regions and inflation going through the roof for many farm inputs, among other things. We know that 2023 will bring a new set of challenges to our businesses and our industry, and PGC will be there to work with its partners to turn these challenges into opportunities for pullet growers. I look forward to working with our partners to advance the interests of pullet growers and the egg industry as a whole.

On my own behalf and that of my colleagues, I want to wish you and your families a very good year. May it be filled with happiness, health and prosperity.

Very cordially yours,

François Jacques,

January 2023 newsletter
1. Cost of Growing – A New Study in 2023
2. New management for PGC
3. Message from the Chair | January 2023
4. A New Project on Feed Space in Pullet Barns to Inform Upcoming Review of the Code of Practice
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