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Tribute to Mr. Andrew Deweerd

This AGM being the first in-person since 2019, PGC took this opportunity to pay a tribute to Mr. Andrew DeWeerd, for his dedicated involvement with PGC, which spanned many years. Mr. DeWeerd played a central role in the creation of…

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Energy efficiency in pullet barns

Addressing climate change has become a priority for Canada’s agriculture and agri-food industry, and every sector needs to identify how it can contribute to this priority. At EFC’s Open Board Meeting, held March 23, Dr. Nathan Pelletier, chairholder of NSERC/EFC’s…

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2022 Action Plan

Based on its Business Plan 2019-2023, the Board of Directors identified the actions to be undertaken in 2022 Action Plan. Our priorities for the coming year: Continue collaborating with EFC to complete the design and development of a standardized national…

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